When Liberals Can’t Compete….

You get fresh steaming piles like this:

Are you Ann Coulter without the shitty-looking drag?

Well, sweetie, I've seen many a drag show from Brandon, FL to Laredo, TX. and I can promise you that the shittiest-looking drag I've ever seen was on Cindy Sheehan and Susan Estrich. That's a major toss up, though, as to who is the winner. And then there's Hillary and Maureen Dowd, but given that they are lesbians, it doesn't really count as drag.

Cindy's pics grinding on the Reverennnnnnd Jacksonnnnn and tongue fighting with Hugo was, without a doubt, the most nauseating thing I've ever seen (and I've been in emergency services & body collection for over a decade).

Ooops! Almost forgot Mr. Janet Reno. Enjoy your finger-banging with those mental images. I shall be praying at the porcelain alter.

Explore posts in the same categories: Kooks, Liberals, Team Killing Fucktards

2 Comments on “When Liberals Can’t Compete….”

  1. Wickedpinto Says:

    What they gotta say about Laura Ingraham?

  2. Wickedpinto Says:

    and Susan Estrich

    I like Susan, she’s a lib, but she isn’t beholden to anyone and she’s actually able to say what she means in a not completely psychotic way.

    You should have used “amy goodman” true lunatic, and hippie haired socialist.

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