Archive for the ‘Team Killing Fucktards’ category

When Liberals Can’t Compete….

Thu,8 June, 2006

You get fresh steaming piles like this:

Are you Ann Coulter without the shitty-looking drag?

Well, sweetie, I've seen many a drag show from Brandon, FL to Laredo, TX. and I can promise you that the shittiest-looking drag I've ever seen was on Cindy Sheehan and Susan Estrich. That's a major toss up, though, as to who is the winner. And then there's Hillary and Maureen Dowd, but given that they are lesbians, it doesn't really count as drag.

Cindy's pics grinding on the Reverennnnnnd Jacksonnnnn and tongue fighting with Hugo was, without a doubt, the most nauseating thing I've ever seen (and I've been in emergency services & body collection for over a decade).

Ooops! Almost forgot Mr. Janet Reno. Enjoy your finger-banging with those mental images. I shall be praying at the porcelain alter.

Stick A Fork In ‘im, He’s Done!

Thu,8 June, 2006

So al-Zarqawi (bin Laden's left nut) is toast.

Look for the liberals, kooks and team killing fucktards to spend the rest of the weak and this weekend, at least, lamenting the fact. Not only that, but the Washington liberals and pundits will be clamoring all over each other to get on TV to proclaim how this means and changes nothing. After all, Bush is the true enemy of the U.S. and the military is nothing but liars and murderers anyway.

I suspect that by the time the Sunday talk shows are over, it will be no big deal and by the time the news cycle starts on Monday, nobody will be talking about it. I'm almost willing to bet a paycheck on my predictions.

Good job, FAGs.


Tue,6 June, 2006

Now as you may know, I'm one of the first to admit that I'm not as "nuanced" as our liberals are. Still, I'm hoping that somebody out there can explain to me how slandering our military (e.g. Haditha, Club Gitmo, Abu Grahib etc.) is considered "supporting the troops".

Further, how exactly is demanding our surrender and capitulating to the terrorists (e.g. lord BJ & The Mog, which brought about 9/11) "supports the troops". Not only that, how exactly does turning tail and running away going to help "our international image", since the only ones who might admire that would be our "allies" and douchebags, the French?

Why, exactly, should I believe a team killing fucktard Representative from PA. who SHITS on his brothers and calls that support? With support like that (and the traitorous media leaks) from the libs, who the hell needs enemies? No matter how much you polish a turd, Mr. Murtha, it's still a turd.

It's very clear that the libs would sacrifice their country and their defenders, even so far as to practically demand another terrorist attack, just to get their birthright of political power back. So when these douchebags tell you that they "support the troops" and they're more patriotic than you are, just beg them not to. We can't afford their "support" anymore.

Wow! Good Job, F.A.G.!

Tue,2 May, 2006

Hollywood star Robbins (F.A.G. )blasts US media ignorance of 'high crimes' in Iraq

Note the lack of balls to pop off here in the U.S. His father, Susan Sarandon (F.A.G.) must be very proud.

 "We have right now a media that is willfully ignoring the high crimes and misdemeanours of the president of the United States,"

Well, my guess is that's because their Iraqi stringers haven't told them about it. C'mon! Who do you think you're kidding? Do you honestly expect us to believe that, if what you're claiming is true, the liberal media would pass up a chance to bash Bush? Hell the liberal media don't give a damn about destroying national security as long as they can use it to their advantage.

"Clinton lied about a blowjob, and got impeached by the media and Congress," Robbins said.

"(Bush) got us into (the Iraq) war based on lies that he knew were lies. … His war has recruited more Al-Qaeda members than Osama bin Laden could ever have dreamed for … yet no one in the media is calling for impeachment," he said.

That's funny. They weren't lies when the Clintonistas were throwing them around, but when we have a president who actually gets off his ass and does something about it, all of a sudden it's all lies.

Oh and don't forget this (which isn't too far off):

 "Let me explain to you how this works: you see, the corporations finance Team America, and then Team America goes out… and the corporations sit there in their… in their corporation buildings, and… and, and see, they're all corporation-y… and they make money." -Tim Robbins (F.A.G.)

Sen. Turban Durbin (D, Al-Jazeera) Is A Moron

Fri,28 April, 2006

From the 26 April edition of Your World With Neil Cavuto:

Cavuto: "Senator, do you think with your zeal to save the environment, and some of these blended fuels that we have to have in order to meet these new environmental requirements, that, with the best of intentions, you're the one who is gouging Americans at the pump?" DURBIN: I'm not for nationalizing oil, if that's what you are suggesting.

CAVUTO: Then what are you for?

DURBIN: But there's no — there's no correlation between the increase in the price of a barrel of oil and what we are paying at the pump. And if you want to know why, take a look at the corporate profits of the oil companies.

CAVUTO: So, would you tax those profits?

DURBIN: They're making money hand over fist.

CAVUTO: Would you tax those profits?

DURBIN: Absolutely, I would. Absolutely.
CAVUTO: Above and beyond what they want? Just like Jimmy Carter did in the 1970s, the same thing, right?

DURBIN: Well, I want to tell you something. A windfall profits tax would say to these oil companies once and for all, you can't rip us off at the pump day in and day out, for no good market reason, without a penalty. And the money should go back directly to consumers who are paying these outrageous prices for gasoline.

HUH? "There's no correlation between the increase in the price of a barrel of oil and what we are paying at the pump?" Sweet feathery Jesus! This ass clown is representing a state? Where on God's green Earth did he get this info. Question for you "Senator": If that's the case, why weren't gas prices raised to $3, 5, 6 etc. a long time ago? Why doesn't it stay at a single price if that's true? Please tell me that the people of Illinois aren't THIS stupid.

If only I could subpoena Congress.

If only I could subpoena Congress, I'd haul "Sen." Turban Durbin (Demagogue, Al-Jazeera) in and demand that he justify HIS salary and retirment package. I'd also ask him to justify his trips to Hawaii, India, Italy, Bangladesh and South Africa. I'd also like to demand an explanation as to why he felt compelled to compare our soliders to Nazi's, Soviets and Pol Pot regime (which liberals created). I would also demand to know if his half-assed apology on the Senate floor was anything but that.

An Agenda!

Fri,31 March, 2006

Brilliant. However, I would change the exclamation point to a question mark. To suggest that the libs have something someone calls an “agenda” is, at the very least, laughable.

And despite the lack of an agenda, I’m supposed to grab my ankles and vote for them. Yeah. Right.

You terrorists out there listening and watching this, watch out! The Democratic Party is coming after you; they have a new agenda. New York’s other senator, Chuckie Schumer, said that his party will “take back the security issue.” If they win Congress, Democrats say they are going to catch Osama bin Laden. Yeah, the bin Laden that Bill Clinton let slip through his fingers (two or three times). Democrats say they are going to increase the number of spies, double the number of troops in Special Forces, and be real “tough and “smart,” says their senate leader “Dingy” Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic house leader, said they are going to be “strong” and “smart;” she forgot to say “tough.” Yes, my friends; Democrats are going to get Osama. Really? Look at their track record. They’ll stop spying on terrorists phoning into America, for starters. And even though Dingy Harry claimed that Democrats killed the Patriot Act, it passed. Give them a chance, elect them, and they’ll really kill it next time. Democrats want to cut and run from terrorists in Iraq — Pelosi backed John Murtha’s call for immediate withdrawal because they think we lost the war. And believe this! Democrats will make sure that enemy combatants — terrorists — have their legal “rights” protected with the Al-Qaeda Bill of Rights, and that our interrogators won’t treat them badly. (Like making them stay awake to answer questions.) Oh, and Democrats will vote for funding our troops… before they vote against it. And if you doubt their commitment, consider this. The day they announced their security agenda, Democrat Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney slugged a Capitol Police officer who asked her for some identification. Yeah. Democrats will take back security — back to the stone ages…if you’re dumb enough to ever give them a chance to regain power.

Rush’s Morning Update

Pardon me, but wasn’t it the libs who forbade the CIA from using spies and sources?