Archive for the ‘Personal Note’ category


Tue,6 June, 2006

While some worry about themselves and the Marriage Protection Act (or whatever the hell it is), some of us will be remembering those who did their part to save the world 62 years ago today.

In case some of you forgot, this is the anniversary of the D-Day Invasion where the allies drove a huge nail in the coffin of a REAL fascist, Nazi dictator.

I’m Jealous!

Mon,15 May, 2006

There. I've said it.

While I have to stay home and go to work, TGCPartner is getting to spend this week on holiday in Atlantis. He's staying with his brother and a cousin who has a timeshare dealy. Ya know, one of those deals where you have a week in a different locale every year?

Anywho, I'd love to be on holiday and have dreamed of spending time in the Carribean. I would also offer up physical appendages to get to spend a week at Atlantis. Plus, It sucks that we won't even get to talk to each other for a full week.
