Archive for the ‘Media’ category

No Indictment: More Piss In Lib Cheerios

Tue,13 June, 2006

Yeah. So I was writing this article the other day on the Rove issue and the libs indictment fantasy. Problem was that every time I tried to save it, it would disappear.

Long story short, I need to buy a new keyboard for my computer and I will most likely be returning to Blogger.

Thanks for nothing, WP.

Stick A Fork In ‘im, He’s Done!

Thu,8 June, 2006

So al-Zarqawi (bin Laden's left nut) is toast.

Look for the liberals, kooks and team killing fucktards to spend the rest of the weak and this weekend, at least, lamenting the fact. Not only that, but the Washington liberals and pundits will be clamoring all over each other to get on TV to proclaim how this means and changes nothing. After all, Bush is the true enemy of the U.S. and the military is nothing but liars and murderers anyway.

I suspect that by the time the Sunday talk shows are over, it will be no big deal and by the time the news cycle starts on Monday, nobody will be talking about it. I'm almost willing to bet a paycheck on my predictions.

Good job, FAGs.

Media Myths On Katrina

Wed,31 May, 2006

I find it interesting that libs demand apologies from Republicans for "lying", but they have ZERO interest in demanding the same from themselves or their media lap dogs when they lie. Cases in point: Dan Rather's so-called "documents" which supposedly proved Bush was AWOL and worse than that, any and all coverage of hurricane Katrina by their bitches in the media. It goes to show that libs don't give a damn about the truth and if they're proven to be liars, they ignore it and go about their business of smearing anybody in their path.

Check this out:

Media Myths On Katrina includes an article by Popular Mechanics dispelling the liberal media lies. Here's my favorite:


"The aftermath of Katrina will go down as one of the worst abandonments of Americans on American soil ever in U.S. history."–Aaron Broussard, president, Jefferson Parish, La., Meet the Press, NBC, Sept. 4, 2005

REALITY: Bumbling by top disaster-management officials fueled a perception of general inaction, one that was compounded by impassioned news anchors. In fact, the response to Hurricane Katrina was by far the largest–and fastest-rescue effort in U.S. history, with nearly 100,000 emergency personnel arriving on the scene within three days of the storm's landfall.

Dozens of National Guard and Coast Guard helicopters flew rescue operations that first day–some just 2 hours after Katrina hit the coast. Hoistless Army helicopters improvised rescues, carefully hovering on rooftops to pick up survivors. On the ground, "guardsmen had to chop their way through, moving trees and recreating roadways," says Jack Harrison of the National Guard. By the end of the week, 50,000 National Guard troops in the Gulf Coast region had saved 17,000 people; 4000 Coast Guard personnel saved more than 33,000.

These units had help from local, state and national responders, including five helicopters from the Navy ship Bataan and choppers from the Air Force and police. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries dispatched 250 agents in boats. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), state police and sheriffs' departments launched rescue flotillas. By Wednesday morning, volunteers and national teams joined the effort, including eight units from California's Swift Water Rescue. By Sept. 8, the waterborne operation had rescued 20,000.

While the press focused on FEMA's shortcomings, this broad array of local, state and national responders pulled off an extraordinary success–especially given the huge area devastated by the storm. Computer simulations of a Katrina-strength hurricane had estimated a worst-case-scenario death toll of more than 60,000 people in Louisiana. The actual number was 1077 in that state.

 NEXT TIME: Any fatalities are too many. Improvements hinge on building more robust communications networks and stepping up predisaster planning to better coordinate local and national resources.

PM PRESCRIPTION Improving Response

 ONE OF THE BIGGEST reminders from Katrina is that FEMA is not a first responder. It was local and state agencies that got there first and saved lives. Where the feds can contribute is in planning and helping to pay for a coordinated response. Here are a few concrete steps.

My point has been that there were rescue efforts in effect even before the storm had passed. There was an article in Firehouse Magazine which mentioned that while Mississippi was still being hammered, FEMA USAR teams were already moving into south Louisiana and beginning rescue operations. Heckuva job, Brownie! Meanwhile, where were the liberal douchebag Katrina Chickens??? Nowhere.

Considering how their bitches in the media reported on the storm's aftermath and the posing and race baiting from the left, I can say without a doubt that the liberals can shove it sideways on the Katrina issue.

Additionally, the libs got all wrapped up in politicizing the issue wound up shitting all over the rescuers in the process. Way to go, FAGS! They were too busy pissing themselves for not being able to photograph dead bodies in the water to give a damn about those who were rescued and the rescuers. They were too busy spooging themselves because Sean Penn (F.A.G.) did what to help out?

Out of Curiosity…

Thu,16 March, 2006

We’re supposed to believe that no matter what Bush’s approval rating is, it’s the lowest ever.

One day it’s 40%-Lowest rating ever.

The next day it’s 34% (nevermind the heavy weight on libs) – Lowest rating ever.

Then the next day, it’s 41%-Lowest rating ever.

WTF? So which is it? No matter how it changes, it’s always the lowest rating ever. Is this more Million Man Math? Or is it more of that “progressive” education which dictates that no matter what your answer, you won’t be wrong because that might hurt your feelings?

Can anybody explain this?


What Civil War?

Tue,7 March, 2006

From Citizen Kane (allegedly quoting William Randolph Hearst):


Bernstein (reading a telegram): “Girls delightful in Cuba. Stop. Could send you prose poems about scenery, but don’t feel right spending your money. Stop. There is no war in Cuba, signed Wheeler.” Any answer? 

Charles Foster Kane: Yes. “Dear Wheeler: you provide the prose poems. I’ll provide the war.”


It seems to me that the DNC Times and the rest of the liberal media are hell bent on “providing” a civil war in Iraq.

Club G’itmo Apparently Ain’t So Bad

Tue,7 March, 2006

Your Tropical Retreat From The Stress Of Jihad! 


Some Gitmo Prisoners Don’t Want to Go Home
Mar 06 6:46 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico

Fearing militants or even their own governments, some prisoners at Guantanamo Bay from China, Saudi Arabia and other nations do not want to go home, according to transcripts of hearings at the U.S. prison in Cuba. Uzbekistan, Yemen, Algeria and Syria are also among the countries to which detainees do not want to return. The inmates have told military tribunals that they or their families could be tortured or killed if they are sent back.

Wait! I thought they were being tortured at Club G’itmo. Why, then would they want to stay there to avoid torture at home, hmmmmm?

President Bush has said the United States transfers detainees to other countries only when it receives assurances that they will not be tortured. Critics say such assurances are useless. The U.S. has released or transferred 267 prisoners and has announced plans to do the same with at least 123 more in the future.
Inmates have told military tribunals they worry about reprisals from militants who will suspect them of cooperating with U.S. authorities in its war on terror. Others say their own governments may target them for reasons that have nothing to do with why they were taken to Guantanamo Bay in the first place.
A man from Syria who was detained along with his father pleaded with the tribunal for help getting them political asylum _ in any country that will take them.

I don’t understand. If all we’re doing is beating them, pissing on them and flushing their korans down the toilet, why the hell would they want to stay?
Now for the money quote:

“You’ve been saying ‘terrorists, terrorists.’ If we return, whether we did something or not, there’s no such things as human rights. We will be killed immediately,” he said. “You know this very well.”

I thought that there was no such thing as human rights at G’itmo. Now as I usually say, there’s a lot of smarter, more “nuanced” than I am, but it seems to me that the stories that we torture the prisoners is pure B.S. Perhapes someone more learned than I can enlighten me?
Read the rest of the article in the title link.
HT: Drudge